Aerial Infrared Inspections

We help building owners and managers detect and document moisture in flat, or low slope insulated commercial roofs by performing aerial infrared scans. Maintaining large complex roofing systems can be very costly, our IR inspections provides the analytics you need to target your repairs.Call Us Today

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How Aerial Infrared Scans Work For You:

We fly over the roof utilizing drones fitted with IR imagers to create a geo referenced thermal image of your roof structure creating a monochrome coded thermograph indicating warmer areas and dark areas. If moisture has infiltrated the roof substrates, those areas will retain more heat allowing us to identify roof integrity concerns you may not be aware of.

When Aerial Infrared Inspections Recommended?

While aerial infrared roof inspections offer benefits to any commercial roofing structure they are ideal for:
- Very large commercial roofs
- In accessible roofs
- Dangerous roofs
- Roofs with limited or no access

Infrared thermography has become an industry standard and is the preferred, nondestructive method to identify water intrusion in flat, insulated and low slope roofs. To request a no obligation consultation about your commercial roof in the United States I encourage you to call us at 913.634.5031 today. Or you can email us at

​Please contact us if you require a sample report.

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One of the most common applications for aerial thermography is the discovery of areas affected by heat loss, usually in locations otherwise inaccessible. Our drones conduct technical inspections using specialist, purpose built thermal imaging cameras that are an ideal solution to surveying roofs, large buildings and wide areas. Using drones not only avoids the financial burden of scaffolding or cherry pickers, but provides a far safer solution to inspection.

Precise Infrared operates with FAA approved pilots, meaning they abide by any laws and suitability’s set out by current U.S. legislation – this extends to congested areas or when environmental conditions exceed safety parameters.

 - Heat Loss – Establish the continuity of insulation for roofs.
 - Insurance Assessment – Objective evidence for dispute resolution.
 - Effects of Corona – Find corona within electrical outlets.

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